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This page provides a list of “Favorite Reports” you have been granted access to run by your site administrator. Additionally, this page provides a list of “My Recent Reports” you have previously generated in case you would like to re-visit the report as it looked when you originally generated the report.

Report ID: A unique report number is provided for each report.

Report Information (i): This button provides a user friendly description designed to help the user understand the purpose of the report.

Report Name: A user friendly report name is provided for each report.

Report Category: A high level description indicating what type of information is available in the report.
  • Contact Reports – Provide demographic information for users that have accounts in the system for purposes of running contact lists to be used in mass email and/or snail mail communications
  • Job Reports – Provide detailed Job information on JobX and/or TimesheetX
  • Application Reports - Provide detailed Student Application information on JobX.
  • Hire Reports - Provide detailed Hire information contained on JobX and/or TimesheetX.
  • Award Reports - Provide detailed Award information contained on TimesheetX
  • Earnings - Provide detailed Earnings information contained on TimesheetX
Run Report – This link takes you to a user friendly Report Wizard designed to guide you through a step-by-step process required to build your customized report.